Posts tagged NPVA
Capacity building makes your nonprofit a more powerful force for good.

I am constantly talking to nonprofit organizations that are trying to grow to more fully address the needs of their constituents and fulfill their missions. Whether they use these words or not, what they are seeking to do is build capacity. In this post, I’ll be sharing some key elements of successful capacity building, plus an innovative way nonprofits are building capacity affordably and efficiently.

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Vicki BurkhartNPVA
Relieve your development team from routine tasks and see your fundraising program grow.

If your nonprofit isn’t providing your fundraisers with administrative support, I guarantee you that either data and details are suffering or your relationships with funders are suffering. Nonprofit Virtual Assistants are an affordable way to get your fundraising back-end humming and give your fundraisers the time and tools they need to cultivate, solicit and steward.

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Vicki BurkhartNPVA
How To Hire a Nonprofit Virtual Assistant

The hiring process is the most important aspect to recruiting and selecting an excellent assistant. However, for many nonprofits without dedicated human resources departments, finding the right employee at exactly the right time can present an especially time-consuming and frustrating struggle. No matter how you slice it, there are certain things you must do to ensure a good result.

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Jill BentleyNPVA