Too Busy to Hire an Assistant?


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard from busy executives that they need an assistant to help them get caught up but are so swamped that they don’t have time to find one.

A vicious cycle? 

Absolutely!  But what’s the solution?

We’ve got you covered! 

Our Nonprofit Virtual Assistants (NPVAs) are highly skilled and experienced, with training and certification in nonprofit best practices.  They are ready to hit the ground running and will help you clear your plate with little to no time spent on your end.  Some immediate tasks might include managing your email, general correspondence, meetings, data, scheduling, social media, projects, and initiatives, to name just a few.

Too busy to even figure out what an NPVA could be doing for you? 

Start a list of things that you are currently doing that can (and should) be handed over to an assistant. Keep it handy. As you work through your day, add things to the list as they come up. Before long, you will have an exhaustive list of tasks an NPVA will handle with ease. Your life will quickly change for the better!

Got your list?

Contact us at, and we will match you with an NPVA to take care of those tasks, leaving you free to concentrate on the things that only you should be addressing.

Learn more about our Nonprofit Virtual Assistants here. For details about pricing, click here.

Jill Bentley